10 Habits of Successful Agents to Adopt Right Now
Success is a tricky concept to pin down for any business professional. For some it might mean achieving status and respect in your professional community. Others might be more concerned with being as efficient and productive in their work as possible. But no matter how you define success, those of us in the real estate field know professional success is achieved through being both business savvy and a good person.So if you are looking to maximize your success as a real estate agent, you must hone your skills as a salesperson and your professional persona.
With a little guidance and these 10 habits of successful real estate agents, you can improve the way you conduct your business and how you present yourself to clients.
When clients speak, listen
It can be all too easy to slip into a mindset of cost and efficiency over client relationships—after all, this is your business! But successful real estate agents know how to listen to clients and hear their needs.Balancing expectations and needs in negotiations with sellers as well as addressing nervous buyers’ anxieties is a habit successful agents work hard to adopt. Listen to your clients and address their needs, not just the monetary outcome.
Avoid burnout—schedule effectively, learn to say no

Anyone can experience a decline in productivity if they are working non-stop, 70 plus hour weeks. It is inevitable. Successful agents know how to avoid burnout by maximizing their schedules and knowing when to say, "no." Set some professional and personal boundaries, such as not scheduling viewings after a certain time. And do not be afraid to pass on an unenticing social event for a juicy business opportunity.
Actively grow your real estate leads list
It seems like a real estate no brainer, but a good agent is always cultivating their list of leads. Whether it is through hosting open houses, setting aside time in your daily schedule for cold calls or cultivating referrals—and potential leads—by reaching out to former clients, get in the habit of actively building a leads list. Use customer relationship management software to keep on top of your ever-growing list.
Embrace continuing education opportunities
Successful real estate agents know they always have more to learn. And that is why they are in the habit of honing their skills and embracing new perspectives. Books, conferences or seminars, courses, meet-ups and mentorships. Depending on your level of experience, schedule and—let’s be honest—budget, there are plenty of opportunities for successful agents to pursue more knowledge.

Get tech savvy
Real estate is an increasingly technology-dependent field. Websites, e-signatures, customer relationship management and apps go way beyond social media and marketing tools are integral aspects of real estate in the twenty-first century. And successful real estate agents embrace technological advancement in the field. Stay on top of the latest software, apps and tools to maximize your success as an agent.
Social media is marketing
As we might have mentioned—and as any real estate agent knows—a successful persona is key to a successful business. And while charm, professionalism and confidence are admirable qualities to exude, clients also like to connect with their agents on a personal level. That is where social media comes in. Your professional sites should combine the best of your business with your own personality. Clients connect easier with agents who have lives, families and experiences they share with others.
Also make it a habit to answer all online queries with polite professionalism. How you interact with people online affects how they will perceive you in person.
Be transparent with clients
The easiest way to alienate a client is to communicate inefficiently with them. A good agent returns client communications quickly and efficiently, and in the way that is most convenient for the client. That is the easiest part.
A great habit to adopt is to end all communications with clients with a summary of your conversation. Be clear about next steps you will be taking and any tasks they need to complete. Explain the process as you walk the client through it and be ready to answer their questions.
But if you do not know the answer to a client’s question, do not be afraid to be transparent about it. Connect them with resources to answer their questions or ask them for time to research the issue. Providing possibly inaccurate information will not lead to long-term client satisfaction.

Put yourself in your client’s shoes
Successful real estate agents earn their clients’ trust by having empathy. Buying or selling a home is a stressful time in a person’s life. A great real estate agent tries to understand the emotions their clients are experiencing and is sensitive to their needs. So whether a seller is flippant with listings or a buyer has a laundry list of questions and concerns, put yourself in their shoes and do your best to answer their concerns—you will earn both their trust and their business.
Plan and practice presentations
Whether they are making a call to a lead, a listing presentation or an appointment, successful agents not only know how they are going to approach the conversation, they have practiced it. Maybe they have role played with a colleague. Or have recorded former presentations and analyzed them for best practices and weaknesses. This is a great habit to adopt. Practice does not always make perfect, but it does lead to self reflection and improvement.

Know your neighborhood
Successful agents make a habit of knowing their territory inside and out. Go beyond what houses are available in what area—anyone can look that up online. Successful agents know the neighborhood market well, and they can talk about it knowledgeably. What has sold recently in this area? On this certain street? What is the overall market of the neighborhood like? And, of course, what is available there? Good agents know these answers off the top of their head.