5 Back-to-school Tips for an Easy First Day

5 Back-to-school Tips for an Easy First Day

The first day of school is an exciting time for children and parents alike. What will the teacher be like? Which kids from last year will be in your child’s class? Does your child have all the supplies they need for their lessons? 

Explore our guide of back-to-school tips for students and parents to make this year the best one yet.

Get Children Familiar With Bedtime

Over the summer, children fall into their own routines, sometimes staying up late at sleepovers or watching movies with the family. But come schooltime, they will need extra rest to perform their best in the classroom.

Before the school year begins, get them reaccustomed to the sleeping pattern they had before summer. Around two or three weeks before the first day of school, start setting an early bedtime so they can wake up fresh on the first day.

Schedule a Back-to-school Shopping Day With Them

One way to get children excited for the upcoming school is to take them with you when you start backto-school shopping. Letting them choose their clothes, pencils, backpacks, lunchboxes and other back-to-school supplies will give them a sense of accomplishment and allow them to express themselves.

Make Packing Lunch for School Easy – and Healthy

Set yourself up for success early in the morning by purchasing quick and healthy things to pack in a school lunch. Individually packaged items like string cheese, yogurt, juice packs and almonds are nutritious and easy to grab and pack away. This gives you more time to help your child prepare for school and ensure they get all the nutrients they need to stay energized all day.

Visit the Classroom Early

Many elementary and high schools will host an open house so parents and students can get a first look at their classroom, playground and the rest of the campus. Sometimes, the teacher may also be there to introduce themselves to your child and walk them through the classroom rules.

You should take advantage of these events whenever they are offered, so children feel more comfortable on their first day – and avoid those early morning nervous jitters. 

Find a School Buddy Your Child Can Carpool With

Finally, if you know any other parents with children in their grade, see if they are willing to carpool on the first school day. Try connecting with parents from last year’s class to see if your children are sharing the same classroom. If not, they may know other parents with children in your child’s class. Having another child around will give your child extra support and make it easier to find their way around class.

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5 Back-to-school Tips for an Easy First Day

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