Improve Your Curb Appeal

Improve Your Curb Appeal

Whether you are thinking about selling your home or are planning to stay where you are for years to come, everyone enjoys arriving at a home that is well-maintained and inviting. Creating the right amount of curb appeal is just as important as how you decorate the inside of your home. At Perry Homes, we have some tips and tricks you can follow to give you a home that everyone in your neighborhood will aspire to.

Add Some Life

One of the easiest ways to improve curb appeal is to add plants and life to your yard. Fresh greenery and flowers go a long way in making the outside of your home look inviting. Landscaping and flowers can really help the look of a home, but so can planting a fresh and useful herb garden. We also understand that gardening is not a hobby enjoyed by everyone. If you find yourself without the time or desire to look after a garden, you can always invest in easily maintained planters and window boxes.

Update Your House Number

One of the most overlooked parts of a home is the house numbers. While they exist to hold a specific function, they are also one of the most noticeable areas of your home. Many homeowners do not take the time to refurbish or update them, despite upgrading every part of the home around them. Take a step outside and look at your numbers close up. Then, walk out into the street and take another look at them. If they look dirty or broken from either vantage point, it may be time to work with them. Depending on your needs and how old they are, you may consider adding a fresh coat of paint to those you already have. For those that are really out of date, you may need to buy new numbers altogether.

Find Storage for Unappealing Items

There are many different items you may count on to keep your yard healthy and looking beautiful. From lawnmowers to ladders, proper upkeep requires a myriad of tools. Unfortunately, many of these items can be eyesores. In order to keep the outside of your home looking clean and organized, you should find a way to store these items out of sight. If your home does not have a garage, consider building an attractive shed or other enclosure in your backyard to store them in when not in use.

Keep Roof and Gutters Clean

While the outside of your home may look beautiful at eye level, do not forget to turn your gaze upward. The sight of unkept roofs and gutters can tarnish an otherwise aesthetically appealing view and cause quite a bit of damage to your home in the process. Check out our blog post on how to inspect and clean your gutters to learn the ins and outs of this job.

Our team at Perry Homes is here to help you keep your house beautiful, inside and out. Check out our new homes for sale and do not forget to check back on our blogs regularly to learn more homeownership tips.

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Improve Your Curb Appeal

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