Spring Backyard Activities for the Family

Spring Backyard Activities for the Family

Put away your coats because winter is gone and spring has made its full appearance! With the Texas sun shining brightly down, we know that you and your families are itching to get outside and enjoy everything that this beautiful time of the year has to offer. At Perry Homes, we pride ourselves on our beautiful backyards in which you can enjoy all sorts of fun activities. Here are some ideas to make memories for the whole family.

Garden Together

Whether you wish to plant flowers, herbs or vegetables, gardening is an activity that can be enjoyed by all members of your family. Most kids love getting down in the dirt, so you may as well give them some work to do! Gardening will teach them about hard work as they put in some manual effort and they will learn the value of patience as they see the literal fruits of their labor sprout in front of them.

Blow Bubbles

This activity is so simple, yet so entertaining! You can buy premade bubbles or easily make your own. Kids will love blowing the bubbles and running around to pop them. This is a bonus for the parents, as it requires very little effort on their part. If your child loves the bubbles but finds themselves out of breath, you may even consider buying bubble blower machines that create bubbles for them to enjoy.

Backyard Camping

Who says that you need to find a fancy campsite in order to enjoy the great outdoors? Set up a tent right behind your house to enjoy many of the benefits of camping without leaving your home. The indoor plumbing just a few steps away is a real plus! You can load up the tents with sleeping bags, stories and flashlights to keep the kids entertained. Make it even more fun by using a fire pit or grill to roast hot dogs and marshmallows.

Make a Treasure Hunt

Turn your backyard into the site of a grand adventure with a treasure hunt! Purchase a toy or a fun treat and place it somewhere in the backyard. Then, design a map laden with clues to guide your family members to the prize. If you like, you can opt instead for a scavenger hunt which gives hints and riddles that all lead to the prize. The possibilities are endless.

Turn on the Sprinklers

When the weather is warm, put on your swimsuits and turn on the sprinklers! You and your family can enjoy the benefits of cool water even if you do not own a pool. For added fun, you can add sprinkler attachments that come in all sorts of fun shapes and sizes.

Play Catch

Is there anything more classic than a game of catch? Whether you decide to put on baseball gloves or grab a football, you and your children will reminisce about the moments you bonded over playing catch for years to come. You can customize the game to whomever is playing — some people may prefer kicking around a soccer ball or even playing croquet.

Our team at Perry Homes understands the importance of family. Check out our new homes for sale this spring and do not forget to check our blog regularly to see what other spring tips we have to offer you.

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Spring Backyard Activities for the Family

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