The Ultimate Guide to Moving with Pets

The Ultimate Guide to Moving with Pets

Visit the Vet

It is critical to visit your veterinarian before any trip. Not only are you required to carry up-to-date vaccination records with you, but knowing your pet has had a checkup before your move will give you peace of mind. If your pet suffers from travel anxiety, you may want to ask your vet for some calming medicine. There are multiple medications available that can help reduce carsickness and relax your pet.

Find the Right Carrier

Buy a carrier or crate for your pet that is well-ventilated and just large enough for them to comfortably stand up and turn around. You’ll want to introduce it to them slowly. Leave the crate out and open in your home, filled with blankets and toys with their scent, so your pet thinks of it as a new bed. Then, take your furry friends on short drives to get them acclimated to the motion of a car. By the time you travel, your pet will likely feel at ease in their crate. The most important thing to remember is to never let your pets out of their carrier the entire time you are driving, keeping you, your passengers, and the animals safe.

Pack Smart

What should you bring with you on your move to ensure your pet is well taken care of? Food and water are a must, but these additional items should also make it in your pet’s travel bag:

  • Bowls
  • Treats
  • Toys
  • Medicine/First-Aid
  • Wipes and cleaning supplies
  • Waste scoop/bags
  • Leash
  • Grooming supplies

Your Pet’s Behavior: What to Expect

Eating and Bathroom Habits:

Be sure to feed your pet a good meal about three hours before leaving to allow plenty of time for a bathroom break beforehand. Give them a chance to use the restroom periodically throughout your trip, but do not feel discouraged if they are hesitant. Adult dogs can hold their bladder for 12 to 15 hours and cats for up to 48 hours — although you should not test these limits in any other situation outside of one-time travel.


Believe it or not, animals will pick up on your demeanor throughout the trip. Stay calm and positive to avoid adding to their stress.

Traveling by Plane?

The trip will likely be shorter in this case, but it can still be a stressful experience for your pet, nonetheless. Try to book direct flights when possible, purchase a USDA-approved shipping crate, be sure your pet has the proper identification, and notify the airline that your pet will be traveling. Additionally, you will also want to obtain a health certificate from your vet and ask for additional travel advice.

Once You Arrive at Your New Home

Encourage your pet to explore their new space. Some animals will start wandering right away, while others will be skittish for a few days. Make sure to not leave anything potentially dangerous on the floor as you unpack.

Keep in mind that a new home is a new opportunity to enhance your pet’s life. Consider any additions you may be able to add to make your furry friend more comfortable — from a doggy door for your pup to a built-in window seat for your cat. After a new pet relocation experience, they will thank you!

Moving with pets is easier when you know you will soon be arriving in a home that both you and your animals will love. Explore and compare Perry Homes’ move-in-ready properties in some of Texas’ most desirable neighborhoods to help you find your new home base today.

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The Ultimate Guide to Moving with Pets

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